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Another Sommer-Time Story: Sommer-Time Story: Dare To Dream!

Age 5+
Grade K+

Carl Sommer, Jorge Martinez, Greg Budwine, Kennon James

Another Sommer-Time Story: Sommer-Time Story: Dare To Dream!

Hardcover (Advance Publishing, Inc. May 1, 2007)
Nelson was a successful doctor, his best friend Jesse was an award-winning architectural engineer, and his brother Alvin ended up in jail. Nelson tells about his childhood of living in a single parent home in a poor area with gangs and drugs. His grandparents taught him, Alvin, and Jesse valuable lessons on how to become successful, but Alvin always resisted learning. Grandma tells them about the struggles of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, Helen Keller, and Abraham Lincoln. After hearing of their struggles, Nelson and Jesse felt ashamed that they had complained about things being difficult. Grandpa read to them, "Dare to Dream Guidelines." Alvin's refusal to listen eventually caused him to end up in jail; however, Nelson and Jesse listened and became successful. Grades 1-4 Virtues: Courage / Responsibility / Self-Discipline
Another Sommer-Time Story (Book 2)
1575370735 / 9781575370736
12.0 oz.
11.4 x 0.4 in.

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