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Mystara's Secret Adventures: The Hobgoblin Horde

Robert Wheeler

Mystara's Secret Adventures: The Hobgoblin Horde

This adventure is best played as a one-shot about 2 hours long for 2-4 characters of level 1-3 with the Mystara’s Secret Adventures Rules. However, any rule set from 1e to 5e may be used as needed for your game. You will need a set of standard dragon dice. A warring tribe of Hobgoblins, the Blood Tusk tribe have been terrorizing the countryside for 2 years now. The human settlers in the area are anxious and live in fear from the constant bloodshed and raiding. The Hobgoblins have accumulated quite a large horde of gold and precious gems, stashed away deep in their dungeon hideout. Several attempts to rid the area of these vile and malevolent creatures have been undertaken and sadly, none have returned alive from these sorties until now. Sorren Topplehorn was in a small band of mercenaries that set out to attack the hobgoblins a week ago and he has returned badly wounded and barely conscious but able to tell his story…