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CHILDREN’S CITY OF BROKEN SPIRITS: Books for Kids , children's books kindle ,short stories for kids ,book for kids magic kingdom


CHILDREN’S CITY OF BROKEN SPIRITS: Books for Kids , children's books kindle ,short stories for kids ,book for kids magic kingdom

language ( May 3, 2017)
This magical tale of friendship, fights and betrayal is woven through the eyes of Jack – a twelve year old boy, who takes us through the City of Broken Spirits, where the Dixie Squad children are stepping on the final stones of childhood and embarking on a new road: adolescence.
Among all the Dixie Squad children, Jack believes Rudolph, the new kid, has the light of dream in his spirit. He believes Rudolph is a special child with special powers. Rudolph, in turn, tells him that ‘we are all snow-flakes falling on the ground – each unique in our own way’.
What sets out to be a truly spectacular friendship, turns into a colossal betrayal. The Dixie Squad children stand under the darkest clouds of their childhood arena. Are they going to come out alive? Are they going to bask in the sun of adolescence free and untainted from their past, or will they carry the scars for the rest of their lives?