John H. Martin
A manual of microscopic mounting; with notes on the collection and examination of objects
( March 5, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1872 Excerpt: ...49, plate 2; also description, Chapter II. page 60). The conceptacles and spores may also be mounted as transparent objects, either in Deane's compound or glycerine-jelly, in which case they must be previously soaked in a small drop of water placed in the exact centre of a glass slip; or they may be mounted in glycerine or balsam; but however mounted, a slight cell of india-rubber cement (Recipe 5) must be used to prevent the conceptacles being crushed. 104. Blood.--The best method of mounting so as to show the corpuscles of the blood (Fig. 61) well, is to take a drop of fresh blood and spread it evenly, and asthin a layer as possible, '© Sbsb %J&@) over the centre of a glass slip, and off8 » allow it to dry; then mount in the cJ&Jj?jL3% dry transparent method; or use the a%a S'o9®' vapour of a two per cent, solution of sas osmic acid; then apply one drop of acetate of potass, and cover with thin glass as usual. This is recommended by Professor Mac Schultze. By this plan the corpuscles are but little altered. In spreading them thinly and evenly, it will be as well to use a small piece of thin glass moved over the centre of the slip with a circular motion. If it is only desired to observe the blood whilst fresh, a piece of thin glass must be placed on a glass slip, and a drop of fresh blood allowed to flow under it. By capillary action, the corpuscles will then be found to be evenly distributed, and their size, colour, and shape may be observed. If it is desired to obtain and observe the corpuscles after they have been long dried upon linen, cotton, or any other material, this should be soaked in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate (HgCl2, See Recipe 10). The shape of the corpuscles will then be nearly restored to their normal ...
- 1130954226 / 9781130954227
- Pages
- 50
- Weight
- 3.8 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.1