Tempus Fugit
Please meet Adam Frayn, his mother, Fredl and his little sister, Hofi. Doctor Aldo Frayn has mysteriously vanished, forcing the family to start a new life without him in the little fishing village of Anster. Adam already has an enemy at school, the dreadful Ratho McMaggott who is determined to make Adam’s life a misery. But the family has friends, too, in particular Mary and her very eccentric small brother Sammy. Adam also makes a new friend: the very rich and posh Munroe whose grandfather still does hush-hush work for the government. Then there is the kindly Reverend Boniface Black and several others. It is while the friends are out cycling along a disused railway line that the next mystery is encountered, but why won’t the old people in the village say anything about a dreadful accident? Why is lightning concentrating its self over the very odd Turnip Hall? What is the white Morris Minor estate car that appears and then disappears, its wheels never touching the ground, unable to get wet even in the heaviest rain, and which can easily fit a whole shipping container into it boot? Is it the same one as was driven by a most intriguing man whom no one really ever sees, who can repair broken bikes and limbs just by thought, and who for some reason keeps an eye on Adam while all the time doing several things that seem impossible? Who is this man and what is going on? Why is he involved with strange signals from outer space? Spend an intriguing week with Adam finding some answers and sharing the fun, and the fear.