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Michael G. Coney

Pallahaxi Tide

Paperback (Tesseract Books Jan. 14, 2003) , 1 edition

A young man coming of age on a planet with a binary star deals with his own family issues, and in the process, confronts his race's fear of the cold and discovers the myth about the mysterious Lorin-creatures who share their world. Unbeknownst to all, their planet is about to be drawn into the orbit of Rax - where the long-dreaded freeze will begin. But when the planets two warring governments discover this impending threat and employ it to their own sinister advantage, young Drove retreats with his mother and father to the coastal city of Pallahaxi - where he learns the truth about his relationship with his father, the secret of the intuitive Lorin-creatures, and begins to understand his planet's peculiar destiny.

0888782934 / 9780888782939
6.2 oz.
4.5 x 0.3 in.

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