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Letter to Santa: A Christmas Book

Kerry McQuaide

Letter to Santa: A Christmas Book

language (Calamity Press Picture Books Nov. 30, 2015) , 2 edition
"We LOVE the Midge and Moo books at our house. They are simple and heartfelt books!! Easy to read to any age of child with beautiful pictures and good story lines. In our home we use the books to have a calm down time before naps and bedtimes." - Amazon reviewer

A Letter to Santa
Adorable. Silly. Snuggly.

December 8th: Dear Santa, Mommy says a castle is too big for you to carry here in your sleigh. Please bring a dragon instead. Thanks, Midge

December 20th: Dear Santa, Are my mommy and daddy on the “nice” list?

If you and your little ones like bright, colorful illustrations and sweet, funny stories, you will love Midge and Moo.

Midge and Moo are best friends. They came home from the hospital together when Midge was just two days old. They do everything together, including write a series of letters to Santa.

Midge and Moo’s letters reflect the vast imagination (and practical insight) that kids bring to the holiday, and the sense of magic and wonder that makes Christmas so much fun!

Get your copy of Letter to Santa, and let the cuddling and laughing begin.

"I highly recommend each one of these adorable books. Ages zero-five. Sweet and simple. Fantastically illustrated with bold, bright colors. Small children will easily comprehend the friendship shared between a little girl and her beloved stuffed animal." - Amazon reviwer

"A Christmas book for all the year perhaps, and especially for that time of dreams before Christmas, or of messy bedrooms afterward." - Amazon reviewer

Part of the Adventures of Midge and Moo series.

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