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The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour, The Mystery of Rattlesnake Mountain

George A. Warren

The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour, The Mystery of Rattlesnake Mountain

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Aug. 4, 2015)
"Here we are at your father's feed store, Joe!" "Yes, but there isn't a glimmer of a light. Didn't you say he was going to stay here till you came from the meeting?" "Shucks! he just got tired waiting, and went home long ago; you can trot along now by your lonesome, Joe." "Listen! didn't you hear it, fellows? What was that sound?" The four boys stood, as Joe asked this question, almost holding their breath with awe, while no doubt their hearts pounded away like so many trip-hammers.
1515356965 / 9781515356967
7.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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