Dale Stubbart
Of Violette and Aubergine: Sequel to Of Orchid and Dandelion
( Oct. 1, 2019)
Orchid and Velvet tire of running the dynasty, so Violet their daughter becomes the queen. Violet changes her name, adding a t and an e to the end - Violette. When she turns 21, she starts being dreamy-eyed, but can't say why.
It had been snowing for three months. It had been snowing every day.
The Castle was covered in snow. Yet somehow light shone out of the windows and through the snow.
It wasn’t a very bright light which shone out of the Castle and through the snow. But it was enough. And since it was the only light there was, it would have to do.
Meanwhile, in another part of the world, Aubergine's field is shrinking. He knows that he must leave and find help for his people before it is too late.