Gary E. Nelson
A Relentless Hope: Surviving the Storm of Teen Depression
(Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers May 15, 2007)
Depression and related illnesses threaten to wreck the lives of many teens and their families. Suicide driven by these illnesses is one of the top killers of these young people. How do teens become depressed? What does depression feel like? How can we identify it? What helps depressed teens? What hurts them? How do families cope with teen depression? In A Relentless Hope Gary Nelson uses his experience as a pastor and pastoral counselor to guide the reader through an exploration of these and many other questions about teen depression. Nelson has worked with many teens over the years offering help to those who find themselves confronted by this potentially devastating attacker. The author also uses the story of his own son's journey through depression to weave together insights into the spiritual, emotional, cognitive, biological, and relational dimensions of teen depression. Through careful analysis, candid self-revelation, practical advice, and even humor, this pastor, counselor, and father reminds us that God's light of healing can shine through the darkness of depression and offer hope. A Relentless Hope is written for teens, parents, teachers, pastors, and any who walk with the afflicted through this valley of the shadow of death."The voices of father, pastor, and counselor are all well represented by this writer. The personal and professional commitment of A Relentless Hope brings enormous credibility to its message. This book is a work of love about the power of love. And that, in itself, is healing."--Ruth Harper in Counseling Today, a publication of the American Counseling Association"Gary Nelson's conversational style wraps a deep understanding of depression and its treatment in a gripping first-person story of love casting out fear. All parents, and all who seek to help parents, would benefit from this book."--Doug Thorpe, Journeys, a publication of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors "I highly recommend this book and the insights it sheds on an illness that impacts so many of our young people and their families. A Relentless Hope offers a light to those that struggle with the storms and illnesses of today. It also provides much needed information for those suffering from depression, anxiety and its related mental health issues."—David E. McLean, United Methodist Endorsing Agency "Whether you are a youth struggling with depression, a family member of a depressed teen, or a pastor, counselor or teacher providing support and help in such circumstances, this book is a must read as the most informative and helpful volume available on the subject." --Merle R. Jordan, Professor of Pastoral Psychology Emeritus, Boston University School of TheologyGary E. Nelson, DMin, is a United Methodist minister who for thirty years has worked with teens and their families as a local church pastor and as a pastoral counselor. He currently pastors a church in West Virginia.