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Braidy von Althuis: And the Changeling Children

Cassidy Dwelis

Braidy von Althuis: And the Changeling Children

Paperback (Precursor Publishing Oct. 30, 2019)
" All of the regret that she buried in her garden in America will grow up like weeds and swallow her like quicksand." Braidy von Althuis is celebrating his eleventh birthday, but not with his best friend. Mr. von Althuis has decided to move the family out of Maple Hills, and Braidy is forced to say goodbye to Kara and to eat his cake alone. Even though the von Althuises have lived in Maple Hills for hundreds of years, something has spooked the adults so badly that they feel helpless without Gran. Something is coming for them, though Braidy knows not who or what.When the family arrives in Ukraine, a whole slew of new problems arise. Mr. von Althuis gets a job, Uncle Rolo finds himself in more trouble, and Aunt Liz and Braidy are summoned to an audience with the Fairy King. In order to go home, Braidy and Aunt Liz must solve riddles or belong to the Fairy King forever. Will Braidy and Aunt Liz be able to escape the Fairy King's clutches or will heartache and memories of a life long gone tear Aunt Liz and Braidy apart? This book is suitable for children aged 8 - 11.
Braidy von Althuis (Book 4)
1948740036 / 9781948740036
11.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.6 in.

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