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Current Controversies - Police Brutality

Tamara L. Roleff

Current Controversies - Police Brutality

Hardcover (Greenhaven Press Sept. 1, 1998) , 1 edition
Policing today is more professional than it has ever been in U.S. history. Yet we are reminded by well-publicized beatings that brutality continues. The question is why. To understand how and why brutality occurs and how it might be prevented, the author covers the following issues: Chapters include: Is Police Brutality a Serious Problem? What Factors Contribute to Police Brutality? How Does Police Brutality Affect Society? How Can Police Brutality Be Reduced?
Current Controversies
0737700122 / 9780737700121
64.0 oz.
6.5 x 0.5 in.

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