Connla and the Fairy Maiden. 2
Guleesh. 7
The Field of Boliauns 30
The Horned Women. 35
Conall Yellowclaw.. 39
Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary. 54
The Shepherd of Myddvai 65
The Sprightly Tailor 69
The Story of Deirdre. 73
Munachar and Manachar 94
Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree. 99
King O'Toole and His Goose. 105
The Wooing of Olwen. 112
Jack and His Comrades. 127
The Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire. 138
The Story-Teller at Fault 148
The Sea-Maiden. 163
A Legend of Knockmany. 174
Fair, Brown, and Trembling. 186
Jack and His Master 200
Beth Gellert 211
The Tale of Ivan. 214
Andrew Coffey. 219
The Battle of the Birds. 226
Brewery of Eggshells. 246
The Lad with the Goat-skin. 248
Notes and References. 261
Folk and Fairy Tales from Many Lands 306
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