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James Fenimore Cooper

The Pathfinder

(Independently published Jan. 25, 2020)
James Fenimore Cooper was an established early nineteenth century Americanwriter. He prolifically penned historical fiction and was a major proponent ofRomanticism. He is famous for writing a romantic masterpiece, The Last of theMohicans. Born on September 15, 1789, Cooper grew up in Burlington, NewJersey. He was the eleventh child of William Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper. He wasnamed after his grandfather who emigrated from England to America. Cooper’sfamily briefly lived in New Jersey and moved to New York. In 1802, he gotenrolled at Yale universit. Though, he could not attaina degree because he wasexpelled in his senior year for playing a prank that did a considerable damage toYale’s hostel. Disheartened at his expulsion from college, he served with the crewof a merchant vessel as a sailor
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41.6 oz.
8.5 x 0.9 in.

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