Theodore Roosevelt

The Naval War of 1812

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 4, 2009)
Unlike previous American and British books that ignored quantifiable facts to push a specific agenda, Roosevelt's carefully researched book was akin to today's modern doctoral dissertations including analyses of the differences between British and American leadership down to the ship-to-ship level. It is today considered one of the first modern American historical works. The Naval War of 1812 was immediately accepted by reviewers who praised the book's scholarship and style. The newly established Naval War College adopted it for study, and the Department of the Navy ordered a copy placed in the libraries of every capital ship in the Fleet. This book would help establish Roosevelt's reputation as a serious historian.

One modern naval historian wrote: "Roosevelt's study of the War of 1812 influenced all subsequent scholarship on the naval aspects of the War of 1812 and continues to be reprinted. More than a classic, it remains, after 120 years, a standard study of the war."

1438295103 / 9781438295107
19.2 oz.
7.0 x 0.6 in.

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