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Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion

G. A. Henty

Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion

Paperback (Forgotten Books July 8, 2012)
YâS HISTORICAL TALES. THE CAT OF BUBASTES: AS tory of Ancient Egypt. 58. THE YOUNG CARTHAGINIAN: AS tory of the Times of Hannibal. 65. FOR THE TEMPLE: AT ale of the Fall of Jerusalem. 65. BERIO THE BRITON: AS tory of the Roman I nvasion. 6s. THE DRAGON AND THE RAVEN: or, The Days of King A lfred. 5s. YVULF THE SAXON: AS tory of the Norman Conquest. 65. A KNIGHT OF THE WHITE CROSS: The Siege of Rhodes. 65. IN FREEDOMâs CAUSE: AS tory of Wallace and Bruce. 65. THE LION OF ST. LIARKZ AS tory of Venice in the Century. 6s. ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND: AT ale of Cressy and Poitiers. 55. A BIARCH ON LONDON: AS tory of Wat Tyler. 5s. BOTH SIDES THE BORDER: AT ale of Hotspur and Glendower. 65. AT AGINOOURT: AT ale of the White Hoods of Paris. 6s. BY RIGHT OF CONQUEST: or, With Cortez in Mexico. 65. ST. BARTHOLOMEWâS EVE: AT ale of the Huguenot Wars. 65. BY PIKE AND DYKE: AT ale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic. 6s. BY ENGLANDS AID: or, The Freeing of the Netherlands. 6s. UNDER DRAKES FLAG: AT ale of the Spanish Main. 65. THE LION OF THE NORTH: AT ale of Gustavus, A dolphus. 65. WON BY THE SWORD: AT ale of the Thirty Yearsâ War. 65. VHEN LONDON BURNED: AS tory of the Great Fire. 6s. ORANGE AND GREEN: AT ale of the Boyne and Limerick. 5s. A JAOOBITE EXILE: In the Service of Charles XII. 5s. IN THE IRISH BRIGADE: AT ale of War in Flanders and Spain. 65. THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE: or, With Peterborough in Spain. 5s. BONNIE PRINOE CHARLIE: AT ale of Fontenoy and Culloden. 65. WITH CLIVE IN INDIA: or, The Beginnings of an Empire. 6s. WITH FREDERICK THE GREAT: The Seven Yearsâ War. 65. WITH VVOLFE IN CANADA: or, The Winning of a Continent. 65. TRUE TO THE OLD FLAG: The American War of I ndependence. 65 HELD FAST FOR ENGLAND: AT ale of the Siege of Gibraltar. 55. IN THE REIGN OF TERROR: The French Revolution. 58. NO SURRENDERI AT ale of the Rising in La VendÃe. 5s. A ROVING
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
26.08 oz.
6.0 x 1.01 in.

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