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Star Cat: Infinity Claws: A Science Fiction & Fantasy Adventure

Andrew Mackay

Star Cat: Infinity Claws: A Science Fiction & Fantasy Adventure

eBook (Chrome Valley Books May 22, 2018) , 2 edition
In space no one can hear you purr.Meet your new, favorite superhero. Her name is Jelly Anderson.She’s four years old, weighs 7.5 lbs and is 30 cm tall. Her hobbies include chasing mice, climbing trees and chasing her tail. Jamie, her owner, enters in the Star Cat Project - a global contest to find the first feline astronaut. Hundreds of thousands of felines will demonstrate that they're the best pet for the job. The winner will join a manned rescue mission to Saturn to decode a distress call that only cats seem to respond to.Now, Jelly has a new playground - a hi-tech and advanced spacecraft full of human mercenaries, scientists, snarky A.I., and ruthless mechs.Life is good. All nine of them. The party can't last forever, though. Jelly is about to discover something fantastic at their destination-- and on this dangerous mission, few of her crew will live to tell the tail…If you like Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and Erin Hunter's Warriors, you’ll find the thrilling Star Cat Series impossible to put down. Go back up, paw the Read Now button and start your adventure of a lifetime right now. Kindle Unlimited.

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