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The Littlest Christmas Tree

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Amy Thomas

The Littlest Christmas Tree

A little seedling is removed by accident from his row of trees. As he grows, he looks for opportunities to change his circumstances, and even makes plans to change the course of his life!This is one of two books written as Christmas presents for my two young daughters. They were both written in a period of three hours, on the high speed train trip back to Madrid from Marbella, Spain. I had no spellcheck in English, no way to print it out and check the format, and could not wait to revise it upon arriving. Had I not gotten it sent in immediately, the books would not have arrived on time for Christmas. Now I feel that the small errors are part of the books’ charm, taking me back to that train ride, and our two little girls asking me what I was working on, glancing at my mini computer screen. “Oh, just work” I’d answer, smiling, as I changed screens to something else. And the memory of how much it meant to them to have their own book, written for them.

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