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Almondie Shampine

The Revolution

language (NewAge Publishing Nov. 5, 2016) , 1 edition
As I floated, chattering in cold, the freezing waters spraying my face and mouth, the salt burning my throat; as the night tide whipped me back and forth, and I could see nothing but inky blackness for miles and miles all around me, and no sense of direction as to where the closest shore was, I wondered.

To fight the bad guys, I’d had to become like them, with that precarious line so blurred that I could no longer tell the difference between the good and the bad guys, anymore, or even which one I now was.

I’d caused a revolution. The perfect justice to fit their crimes.

But what would my justice be?

At the mercy and mercy alone of high-tide to do with me as it pleased, I tiredly closed my eyes.

“I’m coming, Nana. I’m coming,” I said weakly.

Catina Salsbury returns for the fifth book in the action-packed dystopian series, The Modules.

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