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A & L Do Summer
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Jan Blazanin
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Age 12+
Grade 7-12

Jan Blazanin

A & L Do Summer

Paperback (EgmontUSA May 10, 2011)
"Perfectly suited for light refreshment on a hot summer day."—Booklist

"An abundance of humor and surprises keeps this novel light and summery."—Publishers Weekly

I’d like to say something clever, but my tongue is paralyzed. This guy is tall and built and—okay, maybe he’s not exactly handsome. Wait, that’s not true. He is exactly handsome. From ten feet away I can see the electric blue of his eyes. All of that put together makes him the Superman of redheads.

After a year in rural Cottonwood Creek, Iowa, city girl Laurel is still adjusting to a place where parties take place in barns, guys ride around in pickup trucks, and a killer senior prank involves getting pigs into the principal’s office. Fortunately, she has her best friend Aspen, an Iowa native, to show her around. The real problem is that neither the country girl nor the city slicker have boyfriends—or any prospects for getting them. Clearly, they need to raise their profile—and they have a summer to do so.
1606841912 / 9781606841914
9.5 oz.
5.85 x 0.8 in.