Nigel Anthony Sellars
Chris and the Vampire
(Hilliard & Harris Aug. 11, 2014)
After decidedly weird new neighbors move in next door, sixth-grader Chris Franklin finds his world turned upside down. The neighbors, a mom and dad and a son about Chris' age, all have white hair and wear black capes. Chris is convinced vampires have moved in next door, but he can't get his parents to believe him. Then things get worse at school. The new neighbors' son, Bram Alucard in Chris' class, is incredibly smart and makes everyone else look bad. But when two bullies start a food fight in the lunchroom, Chris learns that Bram has amazing strength-almost superhuman. Chris realizes that he really likes having Bram as his friend even though his family and friends are a little weird. Chris and Bram befriend Roberta, a young girl in their class that Bram claims is an extra-terrestial being. Chris and Bram decide to find a way to return Roberta and her family to their home planet. They just hope they never have to explain any of their adventure to their parents.