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Great Women in Aviation #1 - Jackie Cochran

Hennry m. Holden

Great Women in Aviation #1 - Jackie Cochran

language (Black Hawk Publishing Co. Nov. 10, 2011)
These short biographies in the Great Women in Aviation Series tell the stories of notable women pilots whose passion for flight inspires young and old alike to take to the skies. This 3,000 word monograph is not meant to be a comprehensive history of Jackie Cochran’s life, but it discusses her involvement for aviation. The main purpose of this biography is to inspire youth to follow their dreams of flight.

Jacqueline Cochran was an authentic American hero. She was the first woman to fly a bomber across the Atlantic Ocean to England, the first woman to fly a jet across the Atlantic, and the first woman to break the sound barrier. There were few female test pilots and none who gained the fame of Jacqueline Cochran. She was a test pilot who constantly pushed the edge of the envelope and routinely risked her life in unproven aircraft.

Jacqueline Cochran - Held more speed, altitude, and distance records than any pilot, male or female of her day.

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