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Mackenzie Goode Makes a Mistake: in the Kitchen

Age 6-10
Grade 1-4

Judith Natelli McLaughlin

Mackenzie Goode Makes a Mistake: in the Kitchen

Paperback (Anaiah Adventures Oct. 11, 2016)

Eight-year-old Mackenzie Goode is at it again. Even when she tries to make it up to her parents for making mistakes, she can't seem to avoid the inevitable: making mistakes. When Mac decides to surprise her parents with breakfast in bed, a full on food festival complete with pancakes, toast, and a song, the worst kind of trouble ensues. Despite the efforts of her best friend, Cheese, the kitchen becomes an A-1, top-notch, disaster area and it turns out, instead of doing the surprising, Mac gets the surprise of her life.

But Mac isn't the only one who has to apologize for her mishaps. It turns out fixing mistakes is grown-up work too.

MacKenzie Goode (Book 2)
0997727861 / 9780997727869
0.6 oz.
5.1 x 0.2 in.

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