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Belle and the Great Rescue:

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Don Pope

Belle and the Great Rescue:

language (Whispering Squirrels Publishing llc Nov. 29, 2016)

What are people saying about the book?

“This is a wonderful easy to read book, girls love Belle” – Mary H. - Boston

“Thank you so much for creating this book” Bob A. – Seattle

“My kids Love this Book, Thank you” Summer T. – Dallas

In this book you will discover:

  1. Easy to read picture book
  2. Engaging as a what’s that mystery
  3. Team Building story line
  4. Puppy Dog adventure for your child
  5. Lots of positive reinforcements
  6. Girls and boys will love this series

Belle and the Great Rescue is a fun story of a small puppy dog discovering what is around her. Meets up with a tiny fairy and become great friends. The series called The Adventures of Belle and Addie teaches kids about friendship, trust, working together, and problem solving. Look for more Great Adventures coming your way.

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