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The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure

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Grade K-5

Ron Ricci

The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure

Paperback (Gatekeeper Press Jan. 29, 2019)
A thirsty world is near its end – and there’s only one way to make it rain. When the world needs a hero, it finds one in a princess – who journeys on a moonless night on a dangerous path to find faith in herself. Will she save her father, her people and the planet from a catastrophic drought? Told through the eyes of a father-daughter camping trip, The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure takes the reader on a journey through the majestic and wild central California mountains and coastline. Will it ever rain again? Beautifully illustrated, The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure will inspire readers to find and hike the same mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean as the princess with a bow and arrow trying to make it rain.About the AuthorAuthor Ron Ricci originally told a campfire story called “The Water Princess” to his daughter and a group of friends camping with their dads when the girls were 10-years old. Years later, his adult daughter Annie encouraged him to publish the story and painted the water drop featured on the book's cover to inspire him – and it worked! The cover illustration of the princess with her bow and arrow as well as all the other interior illustrations were created by Lyn Meredith, an talented and self-taught artist from Hanford, California. Follow the adventure on; on Instagram @thewaterprincesbook; and on Twitter @thewaterprincesbook.
1642372870 / 9781642372878
4.0 oz.
5.5 x 0.2 in.