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Kaarina and the Sugarbag Vest

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Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Irma Milnes, Sami Suomalainen

Kaarina and the Sugarbag Vest

Paperback (Annick Press March 1, 1994)

It is the Great Depression. Kaarina lives in a small town, and she has a little brother. She tells us about her family and school, special Finnish traditions like going to the sauna, and the hoboes on the railroad, always looking for work and asking for food at the back door.

Times are hard. The little community is under pressure, and when Father loses his job everything changes--the family must leave their home and live with Kaarina's grandparents. Will things ever be all right again?

Kaarina lives in an insecure world; but from the people around her, and with her own inner strength, she learns to make a future for herself instead of waiting for one.

1550373560 / 9781550373561
3.52 oz.
6.0 x 0.25 in.