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Grade 7-10

Mary E. Williams

Mark Zuckerberg

Library Binding (Lucent Books Oct. 19, 2012) , 1 edition
This contemporary biography series profiles the lives of some of today's most prominent newsmakers; whether covering contributions and achievements or notorious deeds, books in this series examine why these well-known people garner public attention.; This biography provides a balanced look at the life and career of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg, currently the wealthiest person on the planet under the age of thirty, says that never set out to run a company and become immensely wealthy. H; Offering insight into the lives of people who have made an impact in the modern era, People in the News volumes are sure to be of interest to students researching current topics and popular culture. Through quotations from the individual profiled as well
People in the News
1420507583 / 9781420507584
12.0 oz.
6.1 x 0.5 in.

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