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Grade 4-7

Shelly Johnson

The Argument Builder

Paperback (Classical Academic Press May 1, 2008) , 56967th Edition
Have you ever wanted to prove a point but you didn't know how to do it? Have you ever been stuck in an argument in which your opponent makes several strong points but you don't know what to say? If so, this is just the book for you! The Argument Builder is the ideal companion to The Art of Argument for students in eighth grade and up, as well as many curious adults! The Argument Builder trains students to build their own sound and persuasive arguments. Written in a conversational, humorous, and easy to understand style, the text is a blend of logic and rhetoric-students first study the logical structure of good arguments and then study how to use several lines of argument (a.k.a., the common topics, first invented by Aristotle) including examples, analogy, comparison, testimony, and statistics, and layer them together into a strong whole. The text comes in a workbook format with many everyday examples, funny illustrations, and plenty of exercises to ensure students learn to become skilled argument makers!
1600510264 / 9781600510267
19.2 oz.
8.5 x 0.47 in.

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