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Sweet Jamaican Summertime At Grandma's

Angela Brent Harris

Sweet Jamaican Summertime At Grandma's

Paperback (Xlibris, Corp. May 18, 2011)
Sweet Jamaican Summertime at Grandma's is a lovely true story that depicts beautiful childhood memories of summertime at Angela's Grandma's in Jamaica. The book begins with a brief explanation of Jamaica, and then glides into a colorful story of pastime favorites at Angela's Grandma's home, in vivid descriptions that plays with your senses. The book describes the unique tropical fruits, tasty homemade treats to appease your appetite, and features nature at its best that allows your imagination to run wild.
1462872719 / 9781462872718
4.3 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.