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Yours Truly, Lucy B. Parker: Sealed with a Kiss: Book 2

Age 10+
Grade 5-6

Robin Palmer

Yours Truly, Lucy B. Parker: Sealed with a Kiss: Book 2

Paperback (Puffin Books Nov. 16, 2010)
Lucy B. Parker has finally settled into her new life in New York City, living with her new frister (friend + sister), superstar Laurel Moses. She's got a new BFF in Beatrice, and she's spending her summer vacation off in L.A. visiting Laurel on the set of her new movie and meeting teen heartthrobs left and right. Life is good, until Lucy develops a crush-and unlike previous crushes, this one is not on a character in a book or a movie, but on a real living breathing boy, Beatrice's brother Blair. Unfortunately for Lucy, nothing ever seems to go as she plans. Because although Lucy dreamed that Blair would be her first kiss, it seems like someone else might beat him to it!
Yours Truly, Lucy B. Parker (Book 2)
0142415014 / 9780142415016
6.4 oz.
7.7 x 5.1 in.

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