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Book lists tagged Memorial Day

14 Books

(Grades: 1-2) Books to Commemorate Memorial Day

This is a day to remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. Read and celebrate!

18 Books

(Grades: 3-4) Books to Commemorate Memorial Day

This is a day to remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. Read and celebrate!

5 Books

(Grades: PK-K) Books to Commemorate Memorial Day

This is a day to remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. Read and celebrate!

11 Books

(Grades: 6+) Books to Commemorate Memorial Day

This is a day to remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. Read and celebrate!

7 Books

(Grades: 5-6) Books to Commemorate Memorial Day

This is a day to remember and honor all the brave heroes who served to hold our flag high. Read and celebrate!