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One Book a Day - You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Mayflower!

Sep 17 2020 by readling 115 views

Mayflower Day is commemorated on September 16. The Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England on September 16 of 1620, with 102 souls on board, seeking fortune and freedom, who were later known as pilgrims.

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By inviting young readers, mostly 4th-5th graders to become the main characters in the story, this book shows a picture of important eras of history with great humor.

The voyage is long and hazardous, and survival is not easy, but you and your fellow Pilgrims will make it and start the history of the United States.
Your father was one of a small group of English Puritans that later became known as Pilgrims.
Peter Cook, You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Mayflower!

Read and discover fun facts about Pilgrims and their long long long voyage.

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