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One Book a Day - Peter Reynolds Creatrilogy Box Set

Sep 14 2020 by readling 173 views

September 14 is the National Live Creativity Day. Creativity and imagination are wings for little minds. Celebrate the day by taking the time to invent, discover, dream and read.

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Just make a mark and see where it takes you.
--Peter H. Reynolds, The Dot

What is the power of original thinking?

What is the power of imagination?

What is the power of creativity?

The three best-selling, award-winning picture books in the Creatrilogy by my favorite author Peter H. Reynolds show kids they can be powerful and amazing.

Don't Hesitate to Express Yourself!

This trio of hardcover titles which is presented in a beautiful boxed set includes:

The Dot An enchanting invitation to self-expression! Just make a mark and see where it takes you. Where does the mark take Vashti?

Ish Thinking "ishly" or "getting it right", which one leads to a wonderful outcome for a creative spirit?

Sky Color Open our eyes and look beyond the expected, inspiration will come be there!

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