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Notebook: Unicorn Rainbow Mermaid

School of Great Living

Notebook: Unicorn Rainbow Mermaid

Paperback (Independently published Nov. 4, 2018)
Unicorn rainbow mermaid notebook perfect for school assignments and homeschooling. 120 blank lined white pages Duo sided college ruled sheets Designed matte softbound cover 8x10 dimensions for tote bag, desk, backpack, school, home or work Can be used as a notebook, journal, diary or composition book for school Perfect for taking notes, recipes, sketching, writing, organizing, doodling, drawing, lists, journaling and brainstorming Notebooks and journals are the perfect gift for adults and kids for any gift giving occasion.
Mermaid Notebooks (Book 1)
1730872247 / 9781730872242
11.5 oz.
8.0 x 0.3 in.

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