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Mosey: The Remarkable Friendship of a Boy and His Elephant

Ralph D. Helfer

Mosey: The Remarkable Friendship of a Boy and His Elephant

Hardcover (Orchard May 1, 2002) , 1st edition
The true story of Modoc, the greatest elephant that ever lived. This fascinating, action packed story is sure to be a favorite among middle grade readers.

This is the true story of a boy and an elephant who were born at almost the same moment on a German farm in 1896. They were raised together like siblings. The boy, Bram, expects to be a trainer himself when he grows up. But when he is thirteen years old, the circus animals are sold to an American circus. Bram decides to stow sway on the ship to America carrying Modoc. At sea, the ship sinks in a dramatic scene, and Modoc saves the lives of Bram and many others, keeping them afloat after they are too exhausted to swim. When help arrives, the ship can't hold Modoc, and Bram refuses to abandon her. But Bram and Modoc somehow survive. In a postscript, the author describes how the two are separated for a time when Modoc is sold behind Bram's back, but are eventually reunited.
0439293138 / 9780439293136
9.6 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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