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Henry David Thoreau

Poems of Nature

Hardcover (Forgotten Books Dec. 6, 2018)
Excerpt from Poems of Nature

The fifzy poems bere brougbt togetber under tbe title 'poems of Nature are perbaps two-tbirds of tbose wbicb Tboreau preserved. Many of tbem were printed by bim, (en wbole or in part, among bis early contributions to Emerson's Dial, or in bis own 'two volumes, The Week and Walden, wbicb were all tbat were issued in bis life time. Otbers were given to M r. Sanborn for publication, by Sopbia Tboreau, tbe year after ber brotber's deatb (several appeared in tbc Boston Commonwealth in 1863) or bave been furnisbed from time to time by Mr. Blabe, bis_literary executor.

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0331521954 / 9780331521955
13.1 oz.
6.0 x 0.4 in.

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