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Melania Trump: First Lady of the United States

Age 4-8
Grade PK-3

Kristen Rajczak Nelson

Melania Trump: First Lady of the United States

Paperback (Enslow Publishing Aug. 15, 2018)
Melania Trump has experienced many parts of the world in her life, beginning with her childhood in Slovenia to the modeling world of Milan, Italy. The journey isn't over yet. In 2016, she became the first First Lady of the United States to be a naturalized citizen, and only the second ever to be born overseas. This informative biography follows Melania on her amazing journey, with engaging information written in age-appropriate language and context. Each chapter features color photographs and a quote from Melania, giving readers a sense of her personality, beliefs, and ideas.
Junior Biographies
0766097404 / 9780766097407
2.6 oz.
7.2 x 0.2 in.

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