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Lewis and Clark for Kids!: The Amazing Story of the Most Famous Explorers in American History

Ian D. Fraser

Lewis and Clark for Kids!: The Amazing Story of the Most Famous Explorers in American History

language ( Jan. 19, 2015)
When Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on the Missouri River to explore the vast American West, no one really knew what they would find.

Some people thought that they would find woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and even mountains of pure salt.

What they found was even more amazing.

This educational children's book reveals...

* Why Lewis and Clark are so important in American history.

* The incredible discoveries that Lewis and Clark made on their long and dangerous journey.

* The hardships and life-threatening risks that Lewis and Clark faced as they discovered lands and peoples no other American had ever seen.

* How Lewis and Clark and their companions survived freezing winters, fearsome wild animals, and menacing locals.

* Why Lewis and Clark's discoveries were crucial in expanding the United States to the Pacific Ocean.

...and much, much more.

So scroll back up and download this book about the amazing journey of Lewis and Clark.

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