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Niki Ranu The Dream Come True

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Pat Machin, Martin Camm

Niki Ranu The Dream Come True

language (Pat Machin Sept. 5, 2013)
"Can one small whale stop the slaughter?"
The Story
Whales are dying in the oceans across the globe; harpooned for their meat, blubber, bones and oil, drowned in enormous nets used by commercial fishing fleets and poisoned by spilt oil and pollutants.
‘The hunter trained his harpoon on the large Minke Whale, an explosion rang out and the ice cold water turned crimson. Niki’s mother was dying, setting in motion a train of events that might just see whale hunting stop forever.’
A rich cast of whales, dolphins and porpoises bring the story to life. Sky, a dolphin who never misses the chance to play a practical joke. Krill, the old Humpback Whale that never stops eating, and the most beautiful whale in the ocean, Morana Moraya, all join with Niki as he pursues the one that took away what was most precious to him.
On board the M.V. Orca, Whaler Jan Barkshire was oblivious to his fate, blinded by hatred for the animals that killed his parents, he would not be happy until he had rid the oceans of every last one. But he hadn’t reckoned on a Minke Whale called Niki Ranu.

“Can one small whale stop the slaughter?”