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Brown Vs the Board of Education Trial

Julia Garbus

Brown Vs the Board of Education Trial

Library Binding (Greenhaven Press Dec. 12, 2014) , Annotated edition edition
Perspectives on Modern World History: The Brown v. Board of Education Trial explores the historical background on the Brown v. Board of Education Trial, examines the controversies surrounding the trial, and offers personal narratives from those who were i; This series provides multiple views of momentous events in recent history; each book helps readers develop critical thinking skills, increase global awareness, and enhance their understanding of international perspectives about historic events.; Using primary and secondary sources, each volume provides background information on a significant event in modern world history, presents the controversies surrounding the event, and offers first-person narratives from people who lived through or were imp
Perspectives on Modern World History
0737773073 / 9780737773071
13.4 oz.
7.0 x 0.4 in.

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