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The Hunt
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Lynne Hartley
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Austin Macauley
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Lynne Hartley

The Hunt

Hardcover (Austin Macauley Jan. 31, 2020)
An epidemic is running rampant in Pyke's Cove. Dakken, a member of the Hunt, has the power to stop the disease from taking lives, but regulations about the use of essence are clear. Only those who are initiated into the Order of the Hunt are allowed to enjoy its powerful properties. Will the Lords of the Hunt allow the sick to be healed through the use of essence? The risk may be too high. The sick could become addicted to the powerful liquid and leave the supply of essence needed for the protection of the rest of Jaecar Island dangerously low.
1643785184 / 9781643785189
19.2 oz.
6.1 x 0.6 in.

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