D C Robinson
( July 9, 2019)
Child-Reader Library Book One. Illustrated. Suitable for home schools. 176 pages. Stories and poems of nature. Modern stories. Folk and Fairy Tales. Our country (USA) and its festivals.
The stories have been selected for their child-interest and wholesome ethical content. Kindness, cheerfulness, contentment, industry, cooperation, generosity, love of home, and obedience are attractively portrayed in interesting stories, yet without any atmosphere of preachiness. A distinctive feature of this Reader is the unique provision made for Silent Reading. At the end of each group of stories throughout this book, there is given a Silent Reading selection, carefully adapted to contain only words previously known to the child. These stories (see pages 44, 84, 123, and 159) provide thirty-two pages of an exceptional kind of Silent Reading material for training in both speed and thought-getting ability. Suggestions for using this material appear on pages 170-173. The Child-Library Readers, Book One, is based on the belief that what the child needs when he has gained control of 600 to 700 words in his basal reading, is not primarily more words, but the wide use of this vocabulary in new and interesting associations, with only a minimum of new words to learn. In consequence, great care has been taken to make the text simple and easy to master.