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Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

Paperback (Independently published Dec. 10, 2018)
William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is considered a tragedy, though it is also referred to as historical work by some. It was first published in his "first folio" in 1623, but was reportedly first performed at either the Blackfriars or Globe theatre by Shakespeare's acting company the King's Men. Antony and Cleopatra was written about character Mark Antony, who first appeared in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, and his lover Cleopatra. Within the play the action shifts back and forth between Rome and Egypt, and the two locations seem to almost play a role. Alexandria is portrayed as a sensual and creative place while Rome is less extravagant and more pragmatic. Rome is ruled by three joint rulers called triumvirs; Mary Antony, Octavius Caesar, and Lepidus. In the play Mark Antony shirks his responsibilities in Rome after becoming seduced by Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. As a soldier he neglects his own state matters including his wife Fulvia's death after her rebellion against Octavius. Octavius calls upon Antony to return to Rome and Cleopatra implores him to stay with her. Though he swears his love for Cleopatra, he finally leaves back for Rome. Back home it is proposed that Mark Antony marry Octavius' younger sister Octavia to prove the deep bond between the two men. Enobarbus, Antony's lieutenant, describes the unparalleled beauty of Cleopatra knowing that he will not be satisfied marrying Octavia. Not wanting to anger Octavius and face political strife, Antony marries his sister. When Cleopatra finds out about the marriage she is enraged, striking out at the messenger who brought her the news. She calms down slightly when she hears that Octavia is unattractive. The leaders of Rome are not in agreement over a war with Sextus Pompey. When Lepidus and Octavius break a truce and resume battle with Sextus, Antony is not consulted and he becomes angry with the other two triumvirs. He returns to Egypt and Cleopatra and crowns himself and his lover the rulers of Egypt and a third of the Roman Republic. He demands that Octavius give him a fair share of Sextus' land. Octavius has meanwhile imprisoned Lepidus and is not pleased with Antony's actions.
1791359264 / 9781791359263
13.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.54 in.

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