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Llamas 2019 Weekly Planner: 120 page weekly organizer with hourly breakdown for each day of the week, for the entire calendar year. Colorful cacti on gray background.

Anna Nadler

Llamas 2019 Weekly Planner: 120 page weekly organizer with hourly breakdown for each day of the week, for the entire calendar year. Colorful cacti on gray background.

Paperback (Independently published Nov. 9, 2018)
This is a cute llama planner for the new year, 2019. Features a illustrations of llamas wearing colorful necklaces and leg warmers on the cover. Includes space to put gratitude and yearly overview calendar, as well as pages for notes at the end of the book.
1731092881 / 9781731092885
13.1 oz.
8.5 x 0.3 in.

Enjoy reading Llamas 2019 Weekly Planner: 120 page weekly organizer with hourly breakdown for each day of the week, for the entire calendar year. Colorful cacti on gray background.? You may also like these books