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Smart, Skillful & Successful! A Kid's Guide To Understanding ADHD

Tracy Bryan

Smart, Skillful & Successful! A Kid's Guide To Understanding ADHD

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform March 27, 2015) , 1 edition
ADHD sounds complicated, but it's really quite simple to understand once you learn what all the letters mean. Kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are usually distractible, impulsive, restless and disorganized... Thank goodness! That's what also gives them the potential to be curious, creative, energetic and spontaneous! ADHD isn't so bad, once you learn ways to balance and deal with all of these special and unique qualities! Just because you have ADHD, doesn't mean you can't be smart, skillful and successful too! "A wonderful book for children. Meets a big need." Edward Hallowell, M.D.
I'm Awesome! (Book 1)
1511493062 / 9781511493062
5.9 oz.
8.0 x 0.1 in.

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