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Black Rabbit Summer
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Kevin Brooks
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Age 12+
Grade 7-9

Kevin Brooks

Black Rabbit Summer

Mass Market Paperback (Push June 1, 2009) , Reprint Edition
A smart, tense murder mystery twined with an emotional exploration of the ways love, sex, class, and celebrity can forever change--or end--friendships.

Thoughtful Pete, tough Pauly, twins Eric and Nicole, strange Raymond: As kids they were tight; now they've grown up--and apart. They agree to get together one last time, but past hurts, personal histories, soon surface, and the party's over. The group splinters off into the night; into the noise and heat and chaos of the summer carnival. Days later, a girl goes missing. The prime suspect in her disappearance? One of their own--one of the old gang. Pete doesn't know what to believe: Could one of his childhood friends really be a cold-blooded killer?
0545060893 / 9780545060899
10.4 oz.
5.25 x 1.5 in.

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