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Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour

Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Erin Hunter, Dave Stevenson

Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour

Paperback (HarperCollins March 17, 2015) , Illustrated Edition

The sixth book in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series

Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter’s Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour.

The time has come for Fireheart—now Firestar, leader of ThunderClan—to face his destiny. Tigerstar’s sinister ambitions have brought the whole forest to the brink of a terrible and deadly battle. Now prophecies will unfold, and heroes will rise….

Warriors: The Prophecies Begin (Book 6)
0062367013 / 9780062367013
8.6 oz.
5.13 x 0.74 in.

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