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¿Has Llenado una Cubeta Hoy?: Una Guía Diaria de Felicidad para Niños

Age 4-9
Grade PK-4

Carol McCloud, David Messing

¿Has Llenado una Cubeta Hoy?: Una Guía Diaria de Felicidad para Niños

Paperback (Bucket Fillers Oct. 1, 2017) , Bilingual edition
"This book works wonders! Myson kept telling me that he was sorry he dumped my bucket???? I couldnot understand how he knew that metaphor. I finally asked his teacherabout it and she told me she had read this book to him ONCE. I had tobuy one for myself and read it to him and my younger daughter. GREAT Book!"- Working Mama, Customer Review

The best-selling, award-winning, 32-page picture book has now beentranslated into Spanish! Por medio de prosa simple y dulce, y lasilustaciones vivas, deeste tierno libro anima al comportamiento positivo asi muestra a los niños que fácil y gratificante es expresar como sersimpatico, apreciado, y amado todos los dí­as.

Winner of 2awards. For more information on bucket filling or free downloadables and resources, please

Publications by Bucket Fillers:
·Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
·Fill a Bucket
·Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness
·My Bucketfilling Journal
·Will You Fill My Bucket?
·Bucket Filling from A to Z
·Bucket Filling from A to Z Poster Set
·My Very Own Bucket Filling from A to Z Coloring Book
·Halle and Tiger with their Bucketfilling Family
·Buckets, Dippers, and Lids
0996099956 / 9780996099950
5.6 oz.
10.5 x 0.2 in.

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