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The Day the Aunts Disappeared

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KayeC Jones, Russ Hughes

The Day the Aunts Disappeared

language ( Dec. 2, 2015)

What happens when an anteater mixes up "ant" and "aunt"?

A unabashedly goofy children's book created for smiles and giggles.

Hungry and tired of bug bites, Greg the Anteater decides to go to town to find an easy meal. He quickly finds out that there are aunts all around the town! But "aunts" and "ants" are not the same thing, as he quickly finds out.

What will happen to all the town's aunts?

A colorful and cute story that teaches children about homophones and forgiveness... and a little about digestion.

This is an ebook so there's no waiting for your book to arrive. Download and enjoy the story today!


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