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Drac Von Stoller

The Cards of Death

language (Drac Von Stoller Nov. 17, 2013)
Summer finally arrived and Jim Edwards and his friends Dan, Bob and Steve, all decided they would take a ride cross country on a 19th century train that was refurbished to attract tourists and show what it was like to travel on a train from that era. Jim wanted to celebrate their retirement together on a piece of history that has been forgotten.

Jim called Dan and told him to make sure Bob and Steve were at his house by three pm., because the train leaves out at four pm. The weather was beautiful outside, perfect for a train ride. Jim got out his suitcase and packed his belongings and loaded his suitcase in his trunk and drove to Dan's house to pick up his buddies, who were waiting his arrival. Jim pulled in Dan's driveway and honked his horn to let his buddies know he was outside waiting on them. Dan, Bob and Steve brought out their suitcases and loaded them into Jim's trunk and got in the car and drove to the train station for a fun filled week of gazing at the beautiful scenery as the train travels through the mountains of many states along the way. Little did these friends know that their retirement trip on the train would send them into a world of the unknown.

Finally, Jim and his friends arrived at the train station fifteen minutes before the train's departure, so they had enough time to check in their luggage and board the train.

Jim said "Is everyone ready for a great experience?"

Everyone said "Yes!"

Jim and his friends boarded the train and the train blew its whistle then slowly picked up speed down the railway through the tunnel. Jim and his friends were excited to be traveling together as friends on a 19th century train. Everything was going fine, until a stranger entered their coach seating compartment and put his carry on bag above Jim and Dan and said "I hope you all don't mind if I share your compartment because the other compartments are full."

Jim replied "I think that will be alright."

Steve chimed in and said "What is your name?"

The stranger replied as he chuckled, "Dr. Death."

Everyone started laughing and Bob asked "How did you get that name?"

"Because of these cards, as the cards spilled out onto the cabin floor." replied Dr. Death.

The men laughed and Dan stood up and got on his knees to help Dr. Death pick up his cards of death.

Dr. Death sat down on the seat and asked "Would anyone like to play?"

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